Official in rural Virginia calls black reporter 'boy' at public meeting, later apologizes

A county official in rural Virginia referred to a black newspaper reporter as "boy" during a public meeting, and he is now apologizing and calling the remark an error.

Augusta County Supervisor Tracy Pyles, who is white, made the comment Monday during a Board of Supervisors work session. He complained about news coverage and told Calvin Trice, "You got it wrong, boy — uh, son."

Trice works for The News Leader newspaper in Staunton.

Pyles tells the paper ( it was an error and that he refers to his sons and many people as "boy," but he understands how it would be misinterpreted.

Trice says that "boy" is a racially charged word and that he was offended. Trice also says Pyles called him to apologize the next day and seemed sincere.