New Mexico police: Woman cut, stabbed her boyfriend in car

This undated photo provided by the Dona Ana County Detention Center shows Kayla Bailey. Bailey is accused of using knives and a chain saw to stab and cut her boyfriend after restraining him inside his car in Las cruces, N.M., Monday, Nov. 28, 2016. (Dona Ana County Detention Center via AP) (The Associated Press)

A woman was arrested for allegedly using knives and a chain saw to stab and cut her boyfriend after restraining him inside his car, police said Wednesday.

It's unclear why 30-year-old Kayla Martinez Bailey allegedly attacked the boyfriend, who was hospitalized with wounds reported to not be life-threatening, police spokesman Dan Trujillo said.

Bailey told the boyfriend at one point to "take me to them" and at another point asked "where are they," but it's not clear what or who she was referring to, Trujillo said.

Trujillo said the victim suffered multiple stab wounds, two bite wounds and two lacerations from being struck with a chain saw during the incident Monday. Police reports don't indicate that the chain saw was running, Trujillo said.

Bailey ran when a passer-by approached the car after seeing a struggle inside, and she was arrested later while driving, Trujillo said.

Police found large amounts of blood inside the car, and Bailey when arrested had blood on her pants and dried blood on her hands, Trujillo said.

Bailey remained jailed in lieu of $50,000 bond Wednesday on suspicion of kidnapping and aggravated battery. Court records don't list a defense attorney who could comment on the allegations.