New Mexico gun shop holding prairie dog killing contest

A New Mexico gun shop that drew international fire for sponsoring a coyote hunting contest last year is holding another competition aimed at another animal -- the prairie dog.

KRQE-TV reports Gunhawk Firearms in Los Lunas, N.M., is hosting a competition targeting the squirrel-like creatures this month. Under the rules, the hunter who pays a $25 entry fee and shoots the "most tails" wins a Smith and Wesson M&P 15-22 rifle.

Raymond Watt of the group Prairie Dog Pals says he feels sorry for any hunter taking part in such a hunt.

But Gunhawk Firearms sales manager Josh Waters says the event is about hunting rights.

The store last year sparked angry emails and social media postings after holding a contest that gave New Mexico hunters two days to shoot and kill as many coyotes as they could. The prize was the choice of a free shotgun or a pair of semi-automatic rifles.