
A New Hampshire teenager was arrested after allegedly spiking her mother's Kool-Aid with Lysol and burning her throat with the tainted drink, MyFoxBoston reported.

Police say 17-year-old Brittany Merrill poisoned the drink to get back at her mother for an argument they had at home two days before.

Merrill was charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct and arraigned Monday at a court in Hampton, N.H., MyFoxBoston reported.

Merrill's mother detected stopped drinking the Kool-Aid and called 911 after her throat began burning, police said. Emergency responders arrived at the home at about 1:30 a.m., though the victim did not want to be taken to the hospital.

Merrill's mother obtained a court order barring her daughter from having contact with her, which means the teen will not have a place to live if she posts her $500 bail.

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