Navy officer on carrier removed for relationship

The former executive officer of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower had an inappropriate relationship with a woman soldier in the Army when both were married, but Navy investigators did not find evidence of adultery, according to an investigative report obtained Monday by The Associated Press.

Capt. Robert Gamberg was removed in June from his post as the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier's second in command. The Navy detailed the relationship in a report released after a Freedom of Information Act request.

"There are times when I can't believe how lucky I am ... an amazing articulant (sic) compassionate, caring sexy man loves me-just as I am-just as much as I love him," the unidentified woman wrote in a March 4 email.

The next day Gamberg responded: "I have never felt so loved. What an amazing feeling. (Redacted) you are an amazing woman and I love you with my whole heart!"

A message left for Gamberg through a Navy spokesman was not immediately returned. He was previously cited for conduct unbecoming an officer and for failure to obey an order or regulation. Rear Adm. Ted Branch, commander of Naval Air Force Atlantic, has recommended that Gamberg be required to show why he should be allowed to remain in the Navy.

Under military law, sex must take place for adultery to occur and the report said there was no proof it had occurred.

Still, the Navy's investigator noted that Gamberg's conduct was not fitting for an officer and a gentleman, which is part of military code.

The redacted report does not indicate who filed the initial complaint alleging an adulterous relationship, but suspicions were raised when the woman said she participated in group runs with just Gamberg.

In the report, an unidentified man said Gamberg and the woman were followed on two early morning weekend "group runs" and that he found the pair were meeting alone in an empty parking lot, where they spent between 45 and 60 minutes in one of their vehicles before going for a run.

The woman was not identified and it was not clear where she was based. The Army has several installations in the region. The Navy said revealing the identities of those involved would be a "clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy."

The report also said there were "at least 3, and perhaps more" women who Gamberg had an "unusually familiar relationship" with. It did not elaborate.

As evidence, the report cited a March 29 email from another unidentified woman.

"Hey my gorgeous Capt!! I just sent you a text from class ... long video and found myself daydreaming ... wondering if we will ever get a chance to have a real go at things," the email said.

He responded later the same day, saying he would definitely have to schedule a tour for her aboard the Eisenhower.

The report said it was difficult to determine the timing and extent of any of the other relationships.

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