NARAL offers abortion-themed ice cream

A Portland-based ice cream shop partnered with NARAL to create a controversial abortion-inspired ice cream flavor to “save Roe” from President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.

For a limited time, What’s The Scoop? customers can order a pint of “Rocky Roe v. Wade” for $9.50 to “help defend reproductive freedom,” according to a NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon fundraiser poster.

“Is the hot weather and political climate getting you down? It’s time to eat more ice cream!” NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon wrote on its Facebook page.

NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon’s executive director, Grayson Dempsey, responded to a tweet that blasted the fundraiser as “disgusting” for “celebrating abortions with ice cream.”

“What’s disgusting is shaming women and terrorizing local businesses,” Dempsey wrote. “Shame on you.”

Americans United for Life, a pro-life legal organization that has been involved in every pro-life case before the Supreme Court since Roe v. Wade, blasted NARAL’s campaign.

"It’s truly appalling that any organization would trivialize abortion, which even Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy recognized is a weighty, life-changing decision that many women - like me - come to deeply regret, by turning it into a joke and a tongue-in-cheek ice cream flavor,” Catherine Glenn Foster, President and CEO of AUL, told Fox News. “This kind of twisted humor diminishes the lived experiences of millions of women and may be why so many Americans are waking up to the reality of abortion - why we increasingly favor life-affirming laws and policies. And it distorts the joyful and childlike qualities of ice cream and tries to corrupt a delicious frozen treat into a perverse political statement. Based on the public reactions on social media, that turns the stomachs of Americans nationwide."

NARAL supporters can pick up their pro-abortion pints in September and meet the pro-choice activists at their office.

While What’s The Scoop? features some interesting flavors and toppings on its flavor board, such as “magic dust,” none of them appear to be politically charged like “Rocky Roe v. Wade.”

Neither NARAL nor What’s The Scoop? responded to request for comment.

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