NAACP opposes naming Buffalo buildings after Millard Fillmore, who signed Fugitive Slave Act

The NAACP is asking elected officials in western New York to reject any future requests to name anything after President Millard Fillmore, who lived in Buffalo and is buried there.

The Buffalo branch of the nation's oldest civil rights organization tells The Buffalo News ( ) that the nation's 13th president shouldn't be honored with any more buildings bearing his name because he signed the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850. Fillmore opposed slavery, but he endorsed the measure that required all runaway slaves to be returned to their Southern owners.

Local NAACP leaders are asking elected city, county, state and federal representatives to oppose any additional buildings or sites being named in Fillmore's honor. An NAACP official says the move is in response to reports that there's interest in naming more sites in honor of Fillmore.


Information from: The Buffalo News,