
The mother of Gemmel Moore, one of Ed Buck’s alleged victims, is relieved her son may finally see justice in light of federal charges against Buck distributing methamphetamine resulting in her son’s death on July 27, 2017.

“It just seemed like we have been screaming and hollering to anyone who would listen,” LaTisha Nixon said at a press conference Wednesday. “We want justice for all the rest of the victims. … Ed Buck can’t hurt anyone anymore. He can’t hurt anybody anymore.”

Buck, 65, would face a minimum of 20 years in prison if convicted.


A criminal complaint and accompanying affidavit detailed multiple allegations that Buck injected men with meth against their wishes during sexual encounters. The investigation found at least 10 alleged victims, several of whom described in salacious detail Buck’s apparent fetish to pay men to use drugs and have sex, which often took a dark turn and led to several suspected overdoses.

Buck has donated tens of thousands of dollars to California political candidates, Gov. Gavin Newsom and others, and is well known in LGBTQ political circles. Some activists argued his political ties and the race of the victims spared him from prosecution.

“He was found naked and dead on a mattress in Ed Buck’s house,” Nixon said. “My child is not here. … I have to live with this. My son died here. My child died here. … I am dying on the inside.”

She said her son told her about Buck “screaming and crying.”

The story sounded crazy to her, and it took her some time to realize her son wasn’t lying. “As a mother I am trying to find out, somebody help my kid.”

She said her son went to authorities but they turned her son away.

Moore had moved back home with his mother in Texas two years ago and was missing in Los Angeles when he texted a photo of a syringe in an arm to a wealthy gay man he knew in California.

Buck, an influential political activist more than twice Moore’s age, later replied: “Be here now.”

Buck bought a plane ticket for Moore and had a car pick him up a week later at the airport. By sunset, Moore, 26, would be dead on a mattress on the floor of Buck’s Los Angeles-area home.

Nixon is happy Buck’s case was picked up by federal authorities. She said Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey didn’t do her job.

“I didn’t see that coming. I am glad the feds got it,” she said. Lacey “dragged her feet. It appalled me … that she tried to take credit for work she didn’t even do.”

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Homicide Investigator Quilmes Rodriguez told Fox News: “We are very limited in regards to charging under California state laws, which is the reason we took this case federally, with the concurrence of the DA’s office.  Federal laws are much stiffer in regards to these types of crimes.  I would love to comment on what has been done on the case, however, I’m not able to at the present time due to the ongoing federal prosecution.  In time, our full investigative efforts will be revealed in the proper forum. Thank you.”


Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office spokesman Greg Risling said in response to Fox News via email: “The District Attorney’s Office has been working with both the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and the U.S. Attorney’s Office to bring all provable charges against defendant Buck. Defendant Buck was charged in federal court because federal law makes it a crime to furnish drugs if the drugs cause death. California state law does not provide for a similar charge.”

He added: “The District Attorney’s Office is legally and ethically required and committed to only bring charges that have sufficient, admissible evidence to convince an objective jury of a defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. After reviewing all of the admissible evidence, our prosecutors determined that there was insufficient evidence to pursue homicide charges against defendant Buck at the state level. A decision as to whether we have sufficient admissible evidence to bring charges depends on a variety of factors, including witness credibility. The ability to corroborate witness statements, as well as the length of time between the events described and when they are reported to law enforcement, also are among the factors considered.”