More South Texas land owners getting letters on border wall

More property owners along the U.S.-Mexico border in South Texas have said they've received notices from the federal government asking to review their land, which could be used for border wall construction.

KENS-TV reports residents in the town of Escobares, including Mayor Noel Escobar, received letters from the Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Customs and Border Protection a few weeks ago to get their consent to survey their land.

"I walk out the back door and what I'm going to see is a 30-foot fence," Escobar said.

Rio Grande City School District board president Daniel Garcia said the district got a letter in May about district property that's being considered for "tactical infrastructure, such as a border wall."

The school board last month approved a request from U.S. Customs and Border Protection to come onto district property for survey and site assessment.

The land is not currently being used by the district. Garcia said had he known it was meant for the border wall, he would have voted against the request.

Roma resident Felix Rodriguez said he was visited by a government employee surveying his land earlier this year, offering $300 for a portion of his 500-square-foot property. He wants at least $1,500.

Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar, who represents the area, said federal officials told him there have been over 200 of these requests made in Starr and Hidalgo counties.