Mom seen in Facebook Live video with 2-year-old son taped to the wall is arrested

Shayla Rudolph. (Reynoldsburg Police)

A mom in Ohio accused of streaming video on Facebook Live showing her 2-year-old son stuck to the wall with packaging tape was arrested on Thursday and charged with abducting the boy, police said.

The child's arms and head were taped to the wall. He was heard sobbing, but his mouth was taped shut.


The woman, identified as 18-year-old Shayla Rudolph, was heard saying: "Parents don't need to whoop the kids. All you gotta do is tape them to the wall."

The video appeared online January 1. When Franklin County Children’s Services contacted her about the footage, she claimed it was all a joke, Fox 28 reported.

Detectives said it was no laughing matter. They said they saw the video Wednesday night, and arrested Rudolph the next morning at her home in the Columbus suburb of Reynoldsburg.

She apparently said in the video, "Go ahead and call Children's Services now, they can go ahead and take 'em." In fact, Children's Services took the boy into custody.

In another video posted before her arrest, Rudolph reportedly claimed she could punish her son as she saw fit, and even hang him upside-down if necessary.

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