Milo Yiannopoulos named grand marshal of Boston's 'Straight Pride' parade

Organizers of Boston's "Straight Pride" parade on Friday announced controversial right-wing pundit Milo Yiannopoulos, who is openly gay, as grand marshal.

John Hugo, president of Super Happy Fun America, which argues that “straight people are an oppressed majority," initially used the likeness of Brad Pitt to promote the parade before the award-winning actor made it clear he wanted no part of that.

“I really like his movies and his lawyers sent us a letter asking us to take his stuff down but, you know, you’re allowed to do satire,” Hugo told The Boston Herald.


Yiannopoulos was later chosen as the face of the parade.

“I might technically be a sequined and perfectly coiffed friend of Dorothy’s, but I’ve spent my entire career advocating for the rights of America’s most brutally repressed identity — straight people — so I know a thing or two about discrimination,” Yiannopoulos said in a statement.

"This parade is a gift to anyone, male or female, black or white — gay and transgender allies, too! — who will stand with us and celebrate the wonder and the majesty of God’s own heterosexuality," he added. "Men, bring your most toxic selves. Women, prepare to burn your briefcases! Because it’s great to be straight, and we’re not apologizing for it anymore. We’re Here, Not Queer.”

The parade is tentatively scheduled for Aug. 31, but organizers still need to obtain the necessary permit to hold the event.

On Thursday, Boston's Democratic Mayor Marty Walsh tweeted the group was amending its permit application while saying the event doesn't reflect the city's values.


"Whatever outside groups may try do, our values won't change. I invite each and every person to stand with us, and show that love will always prevail," Walsh posted.

Yiannopoulos has made a series of controversial remarks in recent years, leading to protests against his appearance on college campuses and his being banned from Facebook and entry into New Zealand.

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