Member of cannibalistic Chicago 'Ripper Crew' to be released in September

Thomas Kokoraleis in a recent photo and in an old mug photo. (Illinois Department of Corrections and Chicago Police Department)

A member of the Chicago “Ripper Crew” believed responsible for 20 cult-like mutilation sex slayings three decades ago is on the brink of being paroled, leaving the family of one of the victims shocked and outraged, the Chicago Tribune reports.

“He doesn’t deserved to be treated like a human being for the stuff he did to my sister and all the families and the women,” Mark Borowski said of Thomas Kokoraleis, 57. “It’s just sickening. He has no business living.”

Kokoraleis is due to be paroled Sept 29 after serving half of a 70-year sentence for the rape and satanic ritual torture killing of 21-year-old Lorry Ann Borowski in 1982, the paper reported Friday.

Kokoraleis, his brother and two other men were part of a satanic gang that drove around in a red van looking for lone women to kidnap, beat, rape, torture and kill, according to the paper.

They cut off their victims’ breasts often while the women were still alive, as part of cannibalistic, sexual rituals.

Andrew Kokoraleis was the last inmate executed in Illinois in 1999.

Crew member Edward Spreitzer, 56, is ineligible for parole.

Crew ringleader Robin Gecht, 63, has a parole date in 2042.

Prosecutors are fighting to keep Kokoraleis behind bars.

They are expected to ask a judge to label Kokoraleis a sexually violent person that would keep him locked up beyond his parole date under a 1998 civil commitment law, the paper reported.

Kokoraleis was found guilty of killing Borowski but the conviction was overturned due to a legal error, the Tribune reported.

He pleaded guilty in 1987 in exchange for the 70-year sentence but is only required to serve half his sentence under Illinois sentencing guidelines.

Kokoraleis was also accused of killing Linda Sutton, a 26-year-old mother of a 9-year-old boy and a 1-year-old girl, but the charges were dropped as part of the plea deal.

Sutton was killed in 1981 a year before Borowski. Her mutilated body was found in a field in suburban Chicago.

“We were cheated out of a life with our mother,” her son, Antone Sutton, told the Tribune. “If the Lord is willing, we want to keep him locked up the rest of his life. If he gets out, where is he going to go? Is he still going to roam the streets?”

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