Massacre in Oregon

Community members attend a candlelight vigil at Stewart Park for those killed during a shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015. (Michael Sullivan/The News-Review via AP) MANDATORY CREDIT

Massacre in Oregon. 10 died and another 7 injured in horrible attack on a community college in a rural area of Oregon. The suspect is dead. He was shot by police who were responding to reports of shots fired on the campus in Roseburg. The suspect was mentally unstable and had, according to reports, a love of guns. According to witnesses, the shooter demanded to know victims’ religions. If they said they were Christian, they were killed. We’ve got Fox team coverage and analysis from a police and a legal perspective.

President Obama condemned the shooting yesterday. He was visibly angry and called mass shootings routine and unacceptable. He wants stricter gun control laws.

The Bahamas are getting slammed right now by Hurricane Joaquin.. now an extremely dangerous category 4 hurricane. There is some good news. The latest computer modeling suggest the storm will move away from the East coast of the United States instead of hitting the coast. There will still be massive flooding rain for areas from the Carolinas to Maine. An east coast rainstorm is already causing flooding in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern U.S. That’s before any hurricane impact. Governors in five states have already declared states of emergency. We’ve got Fox team coverage from the Extreme Weather Center.

Finally good news from Northern California on those wildfires we’ve spent so much time in the past several months covering. A fire that killed two people and destroyed 475 homes has been fully contained. Another one that destroyed 2000 homes is now 97% contained.

We get September jobs numbers today. Analysts expect a healthy 206,000 jobs for the month. Analysts say unemployment will remain steady at 5.1%.

T Mobile reports that hackers stole the data of 15 million T Mobile customers.

In political news today, We’ve got live events this morning from Carson, Rubio, Kasich, Cruz and later this afternoon from Hillary Clinton.

We’re still waiting for an announcement on a run for the White House by Joe Biden. He addresses the annual Human Rights Campaign fundraising dinner this weekend. The HRC is the country’s largest LGBT group in the U.S. It’s endorsement would be a big political prize.

Hillary Clinton is campaigning hard to stop Biden before he starts and combat a surging Bernie Sanders.

A new Suffolk University/USA Today poll has her well ahead of Biden and Sanders in a national poll of likely Democratic voters.

Philip Rucker and Robert Costa are writing about Hillary Clinton in today’s Washington Post. They say a big political blunder by the likely new House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy could help her overcome the email controversy, “Hillary Rodham Clinton's upcoming appearance before the U.S. House Select Committee on Benghazi was supposed to be a crucible: a chance for Republicans to prosecute the former secretary of state for her handling of the 2012 terrorist attacks that killed four Americans as well as for her use of a private e-mail server. Instead, it may have turned into a political gift for Clinton following this week's suggestion by the likely next House speaker, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), that the taxpayer-funded Benghazi investigation was politically motivated. Clinton's allies say his comments will help recast Clinton's scheduled Oct. 22 hearing as a partisan inquisition rather than a fact-finding mission about the attacks in Libya.”

Syria’s foreign minister set to address U.N. leaders today. Russia continues air strikes that the U.S. says are aimed at Syrian rebels instead of ISIS. Russia is propping up Syrian dictator Bashir Assad. The civil war in Syria has killed more than 150,000 and set off a refugee crisis affecting millions.

Russian President Putin is meeting with leaders of France Germany and Ukraine today in Paris on Ukraine, but the conversation may end up being dominated by Syria.

The Taliban has been pushed from the northern Afghan city of Kunduz. Still they held the important city for 3 days, and are declaring a symbolic victory.

The Taliban also claiming today it shot down a C-130 plane that crashed Thursday killing six members of the U.S. armed forces, five civilian contractors and three Afghan civilians.

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