Amid looting fears in the wake of George Floyd protests, cops monitored 50 cars circling malls in Massachusetts on Monday night, according to an incident report.


The Newton Police Department report said that as “mall security staff was anticipating that there was potential for looters to vandalize and steal from the various businesses within the mall,” seven or eight young males in a black van with its license plate covered were reported at the Chestnut Hill mall.

“As I was speaking with Sgt. we observed approximately 12 cars, several of which had out of state license plates, and each with numerous occupants, gathering on the southwest side of the Chestnut Hill parking lot,” the report said. “It should be noted that the Chestnut Hill mall was closed with the exception of the Cheesecake Factory, which is located on the opposite side of the parking lot.”

“The Newton Police units in the area immediately responded to assist the Trooper, however, several other State Police Units were able to come to his aid within moments and gain control of the situation,” the report added.

“Newton, Brookline and State Police units continued to patrol the area as upwards of 50 vehicles, many of which had out of state license plates and/or came back as rental vehicles, continued to circle both the Chestnut Hill Upper and Lower Malls,” the report said.

Chestnut Hill mall in Massachusetts (Google)

Chestnut Hill mall in Massachusetts (Google)

Newton police the next night also reported anti-cop graffiti.

The phrase "‘NEWTON COPS ARE RACIST F12’ was written in black paint upon a white brick side of 55 Boylston St.," the report said. “During the canvas Sgt. observed ‘F12’ on a white brick under a parking area of 43 Boylston St.”

Chestnut Hill mall in Massachusetts (File)

Chestnut Hill mall in Massachusetts (File)


It’s been an unprecedented week in modern American history, in which largely peaceful protests took place in communities of all sizes but were rocked by bouts of violence, including deadly attacks on officers, rampant thefts and arson in some places.

Some of the rockiness of the days since Floyd’s May 25 death dissipated on Tuesday night, with demonstrations continuing around the country, but without major reports of violence.

Curfews and efforts by protesters to contain earlier flare-ups of lawlessness were credited with preventing more widespread damage to businesses in nationwide cities overnight.