Latest: Professor facing firing for Islam comments responds

The latest on a Christian college professor who wears a headscarf in an expression of solidarity with Muslims and was placed on administrative leave for saying Muslims and Christians worship the same God (all times local):

11:45 a.m.

The professor of a suburban Chicago Christian college who asserted Christians and Muslims worship the same God is disputing the university's account of interactions with administrators who've initiated steps to fire her.

Larycia Hawkins, who's Christian, posted her views on Facebook and wore a headscarf to show solidarity with Muslims.

Wheaton College officials say she refused to participate in "clarifying conversations" about theological issues. The private evangelical college on Tuesday initiated termination-for-cause proceedings.

Hawkins says she met with administrators several times and provided statements explaining her beliefs, which she believes are line up with the college's mission. She says she was initially told further discussion wasn't required. She says then college officials changed requirements, saying her tenure would be revoked while she would have to participate in two years of conversations.

Hawkins spoke Wednesday surrounded by religious leaders, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson.


6:45 a.m.

A professor who wore an Islamic-style headscarf to her Christian college in suburban Chicago says she continues to support the Muslim community after officials at her school said they plan to fire her for saying Christians and Muslims worship the same God.

Wheaton College initiated the termination-for-cause proceeding against Larycia Hawkins on Tuesday, saying she refused to participate in "clarifying conversations" about theological issues.

A spokeswoman for Hawkins says the professor plans a Wednesday morning news conference in downtown Chicago. Hawkins is a Christian and an associate professor of political science.

The private evangelical school west of Chicago placed Hawkins on paid administrative leave in December. Hawkins also had started wearing a hijab, the headscarf worn by some Muslim women, but the school has said that is not why she was placed on leave.