Several protesters vandalized a Los Angeles police station Friday night and set an American flag on fire, police said.

Around 50 protesters gathered in Los Angeles' Van Nuys neighborhood around 11 p.m.wearing masks and dark-colored clothing, the LAPD said Monday. They began chanting anti-police slogans and circling the police station.

Protesters vandalized a Los Angeles Police Department station Friday, authorities said. 

Protesters vandalized a Los Angeles Police Department station Friday, authorities said.  (Los Angeles Police Department )

Several in the group then removed an American flag from a pole in front of the station and set it on fire, police said. Others allegedly spray-painted anti-police messages on the outside walls of the building.

Photographs tweeted by the department showed an elevator spray-painted with the phrase: "Ya'll gonna lose pigs." A wall was vandalized with "ACAB," the acronym for "All cops are bastards," which has been spotted at numerous protests this summer.

"We will not tolerate the vandalism of our community police stations," the department wrote. "While spray paint can be removed and flags can be replaced, each instance of violence/destruction causes fractures to our shared community health."

Protesters vandalized a Los Angeles Police Department station Friday, spray-painting anti-police slogans and burning an American flag, authorities said. 

Protesters vandalized a Los Angeles Police Department station Friday, spray-painting anti-police slogans and burning an American flag, authorities said.  (Los Angeles Police Department )

At one point, some protesters began hitting a marked police vehicle with uniformed police officers inside and blocked it from driving away, according to police.

The officers put the vehicle in reverse and left. It was not clear how much damage the station suffered.

The Los Angeles Police Protective League, the union that represents rank and file police officers, called the incident a "pathetic reflection of those who continue to promote hate, violence and destruction to justify their dangerous anarchist agenda that calls for the abolishment of police officers in the city of Los Angeles."


The incident came a day after protesters visited the home of LAPD Chief Michel Moore and plastered it with anti-cop posters.