
Residents in a Texas City neighborhood are upset after KKK fliers were found on their lawn in small bags of candy over Memorial Day weekend.

Texas City Police Department said Tuesday they collected 17 of the bags from 27th Street North. Each contained small several small pieces of candy and three fliers for the "Loyal White Knights."

Among the language on the fliers: "Join the best or die like the rest."

"It was just laying on the front driveway next to the back my truck," said resident Kevin Bliss. "I didn't see reason why I should read it till just now. Found out it's not something I like."

Randy Carr found one of the bags on his yard. "I thought I was a kid playing jokes," said Carr, "but then I called the hotline and no, it's a real hotline."

The hotline he's referring to is listed on the fliers. It brings callers to a long recorded message for the Loyal White Knights. Among the content of the message is reference to bible verse propagating the group's beliefs, including that "the Jews are the children of Satan."

"They're advertising to join something like that and it's – we're not that kind of a neighborhood," said resident Josie Ramos. Ramos did not find one of the bags on her lawn but says she is frightened that such messaging was being shared in her area.

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