'Justin Bieber Way' Street Sign Stolen in Texas

Justin Bieber (AP)

Less than 48 hours after an 11-year-old "mayor for a day" renamed a Texas street in honor of Justin Bieber, a thief swiped the sign, The Dallas Morning News reported Thursday.

Caroline Gonzalez served as "mayor" of Forney, Texas, on Tuesday after earning the title by raising money for orphans. During her short tenure, she renamed Main Street after the 17-year-old Canadian pop star.

The "Justin Bieber Way" sign was supposed to remain in place through the weekend, but residents of the town just east of Dallas noticed it was missing Thursday morning, the paper said.

Caroline's father, Tony Gonzalez, told The Morning News he had "never seen her so mad," and the town's real mayor, Darren Rozell, vowed to replace the sign.

"It may be someone's idea of a joke," Rozell said. "But we're not going to leave this little girl's summer on a sour note."

A new sign was to be posted Thursday afternoon and will hopefully stay put until Monday, the paper reported.

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