June trial set for South Dakota woman in 1981 death of baby

This March 8, 2019 bilking photo released by Minnehaha County, South Dakota, Jail shows 57-year-old Theresa Rose Bentaas. The South Dakota woman has been charged in the death of a baby found in a ditch 38 years ago after police said they used DNA and genealogy sites to determine she was the mother. Police in Sioux Falls said Bentaas was arrested Friday, March 8 in the death of the child who'd been dubbed Baby Andrew. She is charged with murder and manslaughter. Police say the baby was alive when he was left in a cornfield ditch near Sioux Falls in 1981. The baby died of exposure. (Minnehaha County Jail via KELO via AP

A June trial date is set for a South Dakota woman charged in the death of a newborn who was abandoned in a ditch in 1981.

Theresa Rose Bentaas was arraigned on murder and manslaughter charges Monday. Bentaas is being held on a $250,000 bond, and has pleaded not guilty.

The Argus Leader reports Bentaas spoke softly when she said she understood the charges against her. A trial date was set for June 10.

Bentaas, now 57, was charged earlier in March. Police said they used DNA and genealogy sites to determine she was the mother of the infant, dubbed Baby Andrew.

According to a court affidavit, Bentaas told authorities she gave birth alone in her apartment and drove the baby to a cornfield ditch.

The baby died of exposure.


Information from: Argus Leader, http://www.argusleader.com