Jayme Closs search leads police to ask hunters to look out for possible clues for missing Wisconsin teen

Hunters were asked to be on the lookout for possible clues that would lead to Jayme Closs as authorities continue their search a month after the 13-year-old Wisconsin girl vanished after her parents were shot and killed inside their home.

Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald said the search for the teenage girl remains top priority for the department and officials nationwide.

“As hunting season opens on Sat, we ask that hunters report anything suspicious such as clothing, weapons or anything you think it just not right on your property,” Fitzgerald said in a Facebook post. “Also remind everyone to have a safe hunt and good luck to all the hunters.”

Jayme Closs, 13, has been missing since Oct. 15, when her parents were found dead inside their Wisconsin home. (Barron County Sheriff's Office)

Authorities have combed through hundreds of tips since Oct. 15, when Denise and James Closs were found murdered inside their home in Barron, Wis. Police responded to the home after receiving a cryptic 911 call where dispatchers spoke to no one but heard distant voices and a loud commotion on the other end.


Four minutes later, the couple’s bodies were located and Jayme was nowhere to be seen.

“No one talked on that call and we don't know who made it. We heard voices but we can’t make out what was said," Fitzgerald told Fox News last week. "We do believe Jayme was home at the time the call was made.”

With no suspects, no sighting of the child and scarce physical evidence one month after the murders, Barron police are scrutinizing the few clues they have, starting with the mysterious 911 call and a front door riddled with bullet holes.

Fitzgerald has previously said he believes Jayme is alive despite the amount of time that has passed since she was reported missing. About 25 tips pour in daily, Fitzgerald told The Associated Press.

“We continue to follow up on leads, expand and view our recovered video from the area and explore all digital evidence. We continue to partner daily with the FBI and DCI agents on the ground and across the county,” he said on Thursday.

A $50,000 reward is being offered to anyone with information leading to Jayme.

Fox News’ Cristina Corbin and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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