
An Indiana church has been evicted from its building after it posted an anti-LGBT sign, members have reportedly said.

Remnant Fellowship Church in Auburn, Ind., put up a sign last month that read, “LGBTQ is a hate crime against God,” WPTA-TV reported. But on Saturday, a church member told the news station that the congregation will need to find a new building to hold services.

Church elder Robert Sturges previously defended the sign and said while the church does “love” those who the signed targeted, it wanted “to warn them that they are headed toward a cliff and if they keep going that way, they’ll be destroyed.”

“We’re trying to reach a certain group of people,” Sturges told WANE-TV. “They’re being told in our culture that homosexuality, transvestites, lesbianism and sexual immorality is ok. But the Bible clearly says that those who practice these things will not inherit the Kingdom of God. In fact, it warns them that the wrath of God will abide upon them. And in the judgment, they will be lost and they will be sent to hell forever.”

“We believe that. That's our faith,” he said.

Another unnamed church member told Raw Story that the congregation has been “evicted” and that they are “looking for another building.”

After the sign caused so much controversy, one Facebook user said she rearranged the letters to say, “Stay open minded,” and posted a photo of her handiwork, according to WANE.

“It was unacceptable and needed to be changed, so I took matters into my own hands and did just that,” she said.

Auburn is just north of Fort Wayne.