In his latest inflammatory remarks about Israel, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan warned the Israeli government to stay away from ‘black youth’ and threatened the country in a provocative video posted on Instagram Wednesday.

“There’s a saying today that Israel sees the black youth as a problem for them,” Farrakhan told his followers. “Israel! A government after black youth.”

“Well let me tell you something Israel, you’re making a very big mistake. And your hastening, you’re doomed,” Farrakhan said while his followers applauded.

“You leave my black brothers and sisters alone because you fear what they are going to become if they listen to Farrakhan,” the controversial leader warned Israel.

Farrakhan, known for his anti-Semitic remarks, appears to have made the comments Feb. 17 during a “Savior’s Day” speech in Chicago. “Savior’s Day” is a Nation of Islam holiday.

During the same speech Farrakhan defended Minnesota congresswoman Omar Ilan and her tweets that were condemned as being anti-Semitic, advising her not to apologize.

“So you’re not lying, so if you’re not lying stop laying down,” Farrakhan shouted.

Farrakhan also said “the wicked Jews want to use me to break up the women’s movement” while addressing the #MeToo movement at the same conference according to reports.