Hundreds search Southern Calif. for missing autistic boy amid high heat

July 8, 2013: Searchers in Menifee, Calif., looking for Terry Dewayne Smith Jr., an 11-year-old autistic boy who has been missing from his Menifee for more than a day, check a map to coordinate search areas. (AP/The Free Press Enterprise)

Hundreds of people searched a sun-scorched area of Southern California on Tuesday for an autistic 11-year-old boy who was last seen at his home during the weekend.

Temperatures have topped 100 degrees every day since Terry Dewayne Smith Jr. went missing, but that didn't stop hundreds of emergency workers and volunteers from combing the dry brown hills of Menifee on Tuesday.

The Riverside County Sheriff's Department searched the region about 70 miles southeast of Los Angeles with the help of bloodhounds, helicopters and personnel on horseback.

There was concern because Terry may not be carrying any food, water or his medication.

The 4-foot-8 boy with sandy brown hair and brown eyes was last seen Saturday night, wearing blue basketball shorts. Local children were asked to not wear blue, to help avoid confusion.

Terry's mother shared details of the boy's habits on a Facebook page where the volunteer search was being organized. Without his medication, Terry may be "over sensitive and may be walking on his tiptoes," the page said.

Searchers were also instructed to call him by his nickname "Juju" because hearing his full name called out may cause him to believe he's in trouble and flee.

Temperatures in Menifee have consistently topped 100 degrees since Terry went missing, with the mercury reaching 108 degrees Monday.

Terry's aunt, Tracy Armato, told KCAL-TV that searchers should "be gentle. We don't know if he'll be scared of all the searchers."

Sgt. Chris Pena told the station the search has grown to encompass an 81-square-mile area.