House OKs Russian oil ban, spending bill with $13.6B in Ukraine aid

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RUSSIAN OIL BAN - The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to suspend energy imports from Russia Wednesday, a day after President Biden signed an executive order enacting a similar ban. The bill passed 414-17, with only 15 Republicans and two Democrats voting against it. Continue reading …

HOUSE OKS UKRAINE AID - The House of Representatives voted 361-69 to approve a $1.5. trillion spending bill funding government through Sept. 30 that includes $13.6 billion in aid to Ukraine amid the war with Russia. Continue reading …

BREAKING POINT - China has remained largely supportive of Russia amid the invasion of Ukraine, but that support has a breaking point, according to one expert. Continue reading …

ENERGY INDEPENDENT - Faced with record-breaking gas prices, Maryland residents believe America needs to be more energy independent. Continue reading …

'TONE-DEAF LEFT' - Journalists, pundits and liberal celebrities alike have offered an onslaught of energy takes as the Russia-Ukraine crisis continues. Continue reading …



TRUMP’S TAKE - Former President Trump told Fox News that President Joe Biden is "letting the radical climate extremists run our country while the world burns." Continue reading …

BULLY PULPIT - Jen Psaki vocally condemned a Florida parental rights bill Democrats have branded a "Don't Say Gay" bill, despite it not banning word "gay" in schools. Continue reading …

TAKE A WALK - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez refused to respond when asked what she would say to Americans who are facing record prices at the gas pump. Continue reading …

GRANHOLM SILENT - Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm refused to answer questions from a Fox News reporter while her aides scrambled to push reporters away. Continue reading …

BIDEN ADMIN CONDEMNED - Ret. Gen. Jack Keane condemned the Biden administration for hesitating to supply Ukraine with defensive equipment in a timely manner. Continue reading …




OIL A LOW PRIORITY- Sen. Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn., accused the Left of having a low prioritization of American oil and security. Continue reading …

BIDEN SURROGATES - Fox News contributor Charlie Hurt discussed the Biden administration dispatching Kamala Harris and Gen. Mark Milley to meet with allies. Continue reading …

ALL RELATED - Former Keystone XL pipeline worker Neal Crabtree insisted that President Biden's policies "have everything to do with" exorbitant energy prices. Continue reading …

BAD DEAL - Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe slammed President Biden for negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran. Continue reading …

BIOLABS AT RISK - Jesse Watters warned that Ukrainian biolabs in Odesa and Kyiv could be in Russian President Vladimir Putin's "hands in a matter of days." Continue reading …



DARRELL ISSA – Ukraine may be story of Russian aggression, but the preamble is the Biden admin’s failure to strengthen America industrially and economically. Continue reading …

JAMES ANDERSON - As Russian forces solidify their stranglehold on Kyiv, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy must be prepared to stand up a government in exile. Continue reading …

JAMES COLEMAN - As energy prices skyrocket and Europe considers whether to follow the new U.S. ban on importing Russian oil and gas, policymakers should consider how to build a stronger energy system, better prepared for future disruptions. Continue reading …

SERHIL POPOV - I'm in Ukraine and the noise of approaching missiles and jets is terrifying. Continue reading …

BUCK SEXTON AND JACK CARR - War is hell, and the fighting in Ukraine is only going to get worse in the days ahead. Continue reading …



CONSUMER PRICES - Soaring U.S. inflation is expected to continue to surge with no relief in sight, as the costs of consumer goods climb to new heights. Continue reading …

RUSSIAN PERFORMERS CANCEL - Russian performers have begun canceling concerts in their home country and joining a larger "no to war" campaign. Continue reading …

BRITTNEY GRINER – Two congressmen have asked the Biden administration to send Vladimir Putin a message about the WNBA star being held. Continue reading …

JUSSIE SMOLLETT - On Thursday, Jussie Smollett, star of the television show "Empire," returns to court for sentencing. Continue reading …

MISTAKEN IDENTITY – ‘Black Panther’ director Ryan Coogler was in tense situation when detained in January outside a Bank of America branch. Continue reading …



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This edition of Fox News First was compiled by Fox News' Jack Durschlag. Thank you for making us your first choice in the morning! We’ll see you in your inbox first thing Friday.

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