Hillary Clinton Turns Over Server to Justice Department

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton poses for a photo during a campaign stop at River Valley Community College Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015, in Claremont, N.H. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)

Hillary Clinton has agreed to turn over her private email server to the Justice Department. Controversy has swirled ever since it came to light that Clinton used a private email server at her home for State Department emails while she was Secretary of State. She also turned over a thumb drive that had copies of the emails. Republicans and some security experts have been alarmed that Clinton was conducting government business via private emails. Some of those emails are now likely classified, and the State Department is in the process of deciding what to make public. At least two of the emails are rated “Top Secret”.

Jeb Bush going on the offense against Hillary Clinton after a series of scathing comments she’s made about one of the GOP frontrunners for the Republican nomination. Bush blames Hillary Clinton and President Obama for the mess in Iraq after they agreed to withdraw most U.S. troops from Iraq. Mister Bush has come under fire for not denouncing the Iraq War in the past. He also did not mention that his brother agreed to begin the troop withdrawal. It’s an interesting strategy on the part of both Clinton and Bush to go after each other instead of other candidates in their own parties especially as both their poll numbers have shown some weakness.

There are new polls out of Iowa and New Hampshire. An Iowa poll shows four different GOP candidates outpolling Hillary Clinton in head to head matchups. Jeb Bush is not one of them though.. he trails her by 4%.

In New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders now beating Hillary Clinton 44 – 37%.

Walker, Kasich and other have events this morning. We’ll be monitoring for news.

We’re also keeping a close eye on those wildfires burning out West. Bone dry California battling several big wildfires forcing some evacuations and burning homes. There’s also a new fire in Glacier National Park in Montana.

And we’ll get an update on that horrible toxic water spill affecting now three states Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. The spill from an EPA cleanup site may be even bigger than previously thought, and we still don’t know what exactly is in the water that has turned rivers yellow.

A state of emergency may be lifted today in Ferguson, Missouri as protests were calm last night. Police released a new video that appears to show an 18 year old man pulling a gun from his waistband and firing at police on the first night of violent protests marking the one year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson.

There’s a disturbing new report out from the Wall Street Journal about a surge in crime in many American cities including St Louis, Dallas, Millwaukee, Chicago and Baltimore. Lynh Bui, Abby Phillip, and  Wesley Lowery writing:

Some blame the "Ferguson effect," the notion that police are avoiding aggressive tactics because they fear scrutiny or criminal charges in the wake of Michael Brown's death by police gunfire one year ago. Others say the shooting of Brown, a black 18-year-old, by Darren Wilson, a white police officer, has undermined trust in police and, in turn, emboldened criminals.
But violent crime began creeping up in St. Louis months before Brown's shooting, according to Richard Rosenfeld, a criminologist with the University of Missouri at St. Louis. And except for the first few months after Brown's death, when violent protests were raging, he said, arrest rates have remained constant. Among 35 cities recently surveyed by the Major Cities Chiefs Association, homicides were up an average of almost 20 percent.

Whatever the cause, It’s a disturbing trend. We’ll put a spotlight on it in the 1pm today.

China has devalued its currency for the second day in a row. China devalued its currency by 1.6% overnight, and another 1.9% on Monday. China is trying to shore up its economy by making its exports cheaper in foreign markets. It’s leading to a sell off in stocks around the world.

Keep your eyes out in the nighttime sky as a meteor shower is going to be a good air show tonight.

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