High school biology teacher, 34, accused of having sex with student

Miranda Nicole Pauley, a 34-year-old biology teacher at Patrick Henry High School in Ashland, Va., faces four felony counts of indecent liberties by a custodian and one felony count of use of a communication system for crimes against children. (Hanover Sheriff’s Office)

A Virginia high school teacher was arrested last Thursday after it was discovered that she allegedly had an affair with a student.

Miranda Nicole Pauley, a 34-year-old biology teacher at Patrick Henry High School in Ashland, Va., faces four felony counts of indecent liberties by a custodian and one felony count of use of a communication system for crimes against children. She was released on $50,000 bond from the Pamunkey Regional Jail on Friday.

A preliminary hearing has been set for July 12.

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As part of her bond, Pauley is to have no contact with anyone under 18, unless the minor is accompanied by a parent or guardian, and is not allowed on any school property except to retrieve her personal belongings.

Sgt. James Cooper of the Hanover Sheriff’s Office told the Richmond Times-Dispatch that the charges stem from a sexual relationship that Pauley purportedly had with a minor, but declined to say if a student at the high school was involved. Local news sources, however, have reported that the affair was between Pauley and a student and that at least one incident occurred on school property.

"Any of these offenses could put her on the sex offender registry, which is something that follows her for a long, long time," legal expert Todd Stone told a local news station.

(Google/Google Maps)

Pauley, who taught at the high school since 2006, allegedly carried out the illicit affair in November and December of 2017 and in May of this year. School officials notified their human resource department following Pauley’s arrest and the teacher is no longer employed at the school.

“This news is very disturbing, and we take these matters seriously,” Hanover County Public Schools said in a statement. “While our policy prohibits the release of specific details concerning personnel-related matters, we will continue to work closely and in full cooperation with the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office.”

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