High school basketball coach placed on leave for sex book

A high school girls basketball coach in suburban Chicago has been placed on administrative leave after writing a self-published book that includes graphic sexual content and an acknowledgement from the author that he has a "weakness for cleavage."

Bryan Craig, who is also a counselor at Rich Central High School, resigned Friday as the varsity coach. The district's superintendent, Donna Simpson Leak, said Craig has been placed on leave pending a district review.


In the forward to the book, titled "It's Her Fault," Craig says his intention is to give women a guide to gaining the "upper hand in a relationship" because he is tired of hearing them complain. The book contains graphic details on his observations of the female anatomy, including what he describes as physical differences between ethnicities that lead him to conclude that "Latin women have more children."

Among the assertions in the book is that all men and women should be promiscuous before getting married.

He also writes, "The easiest kill for a man is through the young lady with low self-esteem. Of course some will feel this is taking advantage, and yes it is. The ultimate goal for a man is to do all he can to eventually be able to commit and submit to a woman's power."

Leak said Craig has a right to free speech, but the district is concerned about the book's content, and wants to make sure it doesn't disrupt the school.

Craig has declined to comment on the district's action or the book.

School board member Cheryl Coleman said the book left her speechless.

"It breaks my heart a little bit," she told the Chicago Sun-Times.

According to Amazon.com, the 60-page book was published Aug. 2. In the book, Craig also reveals that he moonlights as a strip club bouncer. He says the job allows him to blow off steam, manage his anger and be nicer to his wife.