
PITTSFIELD, Mass. -- A police report says one of three Massachusetts men found dead over the weekend was killed so he couldn't testify at the robbery, assault and kidnapping trial of a Hells Angels member.

State police say the others were killed so there were no witnesses.

Thirty-four-year-old Adam Lee Hall, 44-year-old David Chalue and 31-year-old Caius Veiovis were held without bail after pleading not guilty to charges including murder Monday in Pittsfield.

They're accused of killing David Glasser, Edward Frampton and Robert Chadwell, whose remains were discovered Saturday in a trench.

Glasser had been expected to testify at the trial of Hall, the reputed sergeant at arms of the local Hells Angels chapter.

Hall's lawyer said his client maintains his innocence. Lawyers for the other men declined comment.