
A Canada goose and a ring-billed gull were recovering after they apparently swallowed random pills left at a park in Southern California.

The Wetlands & Wildlife Care Center, based in Huntington Beach, wrote about the birds' plight on Facebook Thursday.

A good Samaritan, according to wildlife officials, noticed "hundreds of pills all over the grass" at Carr Park on Wednesday and called animal control after spotting "a goose in distress."

The nonprofit group said the birds were both recovering after apparently ingesting the pills at a park in Huntington Beach, California.

The nonprofit group said the birds were both recovering after apparently ingesting the pills at a park in Huntington Beach, California. (Wetlands & Wildlife Care Center)


"There were other birds that may have eaten some of the pills but they were able to fly away," the post read.

A photo of the pills posted online showed a variety of white, green, blue and yellow pills of different shapes. Witnesses said they believed the pills were a mix of "heart medications, antidepressants, anti-anxiety pills and insomnia medications."

Both of the birds are "doing well with treatment which mainly consists or pushing IV fluids through their system to flush it out," the wildlife center said.

Both of the birds are "doing well with treatment which mainly consists or pushing IV fluids through their system to flush it out," the wildlife center said. (Wetlands & Wildlife Care Center)

The goose and the gull being treated had been experiencing symptoms including loss of muscle control, which the nonprofit rescue group said aligned with "illness most likely caused by ingesting these medications."

Both of the birds are "doing well with treatment which mainly consists or pushing IV fluids through their system to flush it out," the wildlife center said.