
A student in Alaska was expelled, reports say, after she fought back against a group of boys who trapped her in a bathroom.

Last week, a group of boys at North Pole High School in Fairbanks reportedly went into the girls' bathroom to protest the use of the boys' restroom by a transgender student who is transitioning from female to male.

One girl who encountered the boys blocked from leaving the bathroom; she purportedly kneed one boy, who was then sent to the hospital.

Republican Rep. Tammie Wilson is criticizing a school district in Alaska after she says a student was wrongly suspended after the student defended herself against a group of boys who trapped her in a bathroom. (Google Maps / Tammie Wilson)

Republican Rep. Tammie Wilson is criticizing a school district in Alaska after she says a student was wrongly suspended after the student defended herself against a group of boys who trapped her in a bathroom. (Google Maps / Tammie Wilson)

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Superintendent Karen Gaborik told Fox News via email, “We cannot release all details related to this event - student disciplinary actions are confidential as a matter of law and district policy.”

The Washington Post reported the girl’s expulsion.

The school district reported that seven boys were disciplined in connection with the incident.

Gaborik told Fox News, “The district does not encourage students or staff to use force against students, staff or visitors to school facilities. In general, we recommend students talk to school staff about any situations in which they feel unsafe. Students are encouraged to bring concerns about their safety to school staff. If a student is facing an imminent threat, the student’s response to the threat will be evaluated based on the facts and circumstances of the incident, district policies, and state law.”


The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reported that Republican Rep. Tammie Wilson said she'd have taught her daughter to do the same.

“I don’t care why the boys were in the bathroom,” Wilson said, as The Post reported. “I just wanted to make sure I had this opportunity to tell those young ladies at North Pole High School ... if you ever feel threatened for your safety, whatever force you think you have to give, I will stand behind you. And so will your community. Not for those boys who were where they didn’t belong.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.