George Floyd memorials in photos

Candles at a memorial at the spot where George Floyd was killed, in Minneapolis.  (Getty Images/Scott Olson)

Jessica Knutson and her daughter Abigail, 3, placing flowers at a memorial to George Floyd in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Alganesh Hadgu, center, in tears during a visit to the public memorial in Minneapolis for George Floyd, at the spot where he died after an encounter with police. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

Family attorney Ben Crump, left, escorting Quincy Mason, second from left, a son of George Floyd, as they and some Floyd family members visited a memorial where Floyd died. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)

People standing outside during George Floyd's memorial service. (REUTERS/Leah Millis)

Police officers including Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo, foreground, taking a knee as the body of George Floyd arrived before his memorial services in Minneapolis.  (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

The remains of George Floyd arriving at North Central University for a memorial service. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

The body of George Floyd arriving before his memorial services. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

The Rev. Jesse Jackson mingling with others in the Frank J. Lindquist Sanctuary at North Central University. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

People at the beginning of the memorial service for George Floyd. (REUTERS/Lucas Jackson)

Martin Luther King III taking a moment by George Floyd's casket. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, second from right, and First Lady Sarah Clarke, right, pausing before George Floyd's casket. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

The Rev. Al Sharpton speaking at the memorial service. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Philonise Floyd speaking at a memorial service for his brother, George Floyd. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Sen. Tina Smith paying her respects. (REUTERS/Lucas Jackson)

Attorney Benjamin Crump speaking at the memorial service. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Former NBA player Stephen Jackson. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, center, and his wife, Gwen Walz. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., center, sitting among guests. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Shareeduh Tate, second from left, reacting during an 8:46 pause in the memorial service. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Rep. Ilhan Omar. (REUTERS/Nicholas Pfosi)

Actor Kevin Hart, center, and musician Ludacris, right. (REUTERS/Lucas Jackson)

New Yorkers gathering for a memorial service for George Floyd at Cadman Plaza Park in Brooklyn, N.Y. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)