Gay Catholic school teacher denied entry to Archdiocese of Philadelphia offices

The suburban Philadelphia Catholic school teacher fired over her same-sex marriage was shut out after attempting to bring a box of petitions asking for her reinstatement to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports ( ) Margie Winters, former director of religious education at Waldron Mercy Academy in Merion, was told by security that the Archdiocese's Center City Philadelphia offices were on lockdown Monday afternoon.

Winters joked it was "because I'm so threatening" after handing the box of petitions to the guard and asking him to deliver it to Archbishop Charles Chaput.

The petition, signed by 23,000 people, was organized by social justice group Faithful America.

Winters was fired in June for being in a same-sex marriage, something she disclosed to the school upon her hiring eight years ago.


Information from: The Philadelphia Inquirer,