Funeral held for New York hospital shooting victim

Mourners gathered Saturday for the funeral services of Jacqueline Wisniewski, who was gunned down in the basement of a Buffalo hospital by her surgeon ex-boyfriend.

A bagpiper, dressed all in black, accompanied the procession that brought the 33-year-old's body to the St. Martin of Tours Church. Tearful relatives and friends embraced on the sidewalk.

Wisniewski was killed Wednesday at Erie County Medical Center, where she worked as an administrative assistant.

Police said she was shot by ex-boyfriend Timothy Jorden, a trauma surgeon at the hospital and a former army Special Forces weapons expert.

The 49-year-old physician was found dead Friday in woods near his home. Police said he died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Saturday's funeral was private and closed to journalists.

Wisniewski had told friends that she was afraid of Jorden, who she said had once held her hostage with a knife.

Jorden's father told the Buffalo News in an interview published Saturday that his son been having problems since his mother died in a house fire in 2004.

"Things started to change," Timothy Vance Jorden Sr. told the newspaper. But he said he had never seen his son do anything violent. "I wished I could have told him, 'Think of the memory of your mother and your children.' Maybe that would have brought him back to what we call reality."