Free Webinar: Maze 2.0 A Marketing Plan for the the Death of the Web

Feeling the pinch of social and mobile? You’re not alone. A lot of sharp marketers are for better ways to balance the need to market through social and mobile with the time needed to understand constant changes. Not sure if you need to revisit your marketing plan? Take this short questionnaire to find out:

  1. Does it seem like lately you’re giving away so much free content, free consulting, free product, that it’s like you’re saying, “Hey, I’ll pay you to let me work for you!”
  2. Are your lucky to get 30% of your webinar sign-ups to actually show up?
  3. Is collecting email an address is like pulling fangs from a deranged wolf with rabies?
  4. Have you been banned from Facebook for promising real results and providing actual guarantees?
  5. Do you feel like your marketing strategy has lost its buzz?

If your marketing mousetrap seems to be rusting and rotting, and social media marketing seems like a gigantic time suck — but you know you need to figure it out — you need to sign up for my free webinar “Maze 2.0: A Marketing Plan for the Death of the Web” this Thursday, 5/12, at 11AM Eastern.

Maze 2.0 is a cross-platform guide of direct-response and branding marketing that you need to master in order to survive and thrive today’s marketing platforms.

On the live webinar session, I’ll cover my own painful transition from Maze 1.0 to Maze 2.0 and how you can avoid (or put an end to) the pain-points that many businesses are feeling today. I’ll show you why you need to:

  • Leverage hidden auto responders
  • Get leads onto your list before they ever hit your website
  • Marry direct-response with branding
  • Home in on your targets before they get to you

Maze 2.0 will have you constructing your plan for market dominance— and you won’t have to fall into a black hole of social media busywork to get it done. Click HERE to register at no cost.