Former NYC college athletic official allegedly pocketed $600G from school

A former Baruch College basketball coach and athletic department official was busted Tuesday for pocketing more than half million dollars that should have gone to the college for rentals of its athletic facilities, authorities said.

Machli Joseph, who served as a women’s basketball coach for 10 years and an assistant athletics director from 2002 through 2016, was charged with one count of embezzlement, said Manhattan U. S. Attorney Preet Bharara and state Inspector General Catherine Leahy Scott.

Baruch rented out its gym to outside parties when it was not used by its athletic teams.

Officials said Joseph, 42, had sole control over the rentals and schedules.

On numerous occasions between 2010 and 2016, Joseph rented the gym to individuals and groups, with the money intended to go into Baruch’s coffers.

But Joseph directed the payments be made to bank accounts over which he had personal control, authorities said.

On several occasions, Joseph even directed that payment be made directly to himself or associates of his, according to the charges.

Many of these funds were ultimately spent on personal expenses, including renovations to Joseph’s home in Elizabeth, N.J., officials said.

All told, the scheme improperly diverted approximately $600,000, the criminal complaint said.

The charge carries a maximum term of 10 years in prison.

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