
Former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn is out on bail and expected to stay at a temporary home detention location near Ground Zero in New York City's Lower Manhattan until a more permanent location can be found, based on a New York judge's revised release order Friday afternoon.

Earlier in the day, the French dignitary was given the pre-emptive boot by residents in the Upper East Side building where Strauss-Kahn was slated to stay while out on bail and under 24-hour house arrest.

The well-healed residents on the board of the co-op apartment building carried out an 11th hour injunction to block the former IMF chief, who charged with sexually assaulted a hotel maid, and Strauss-Kahn's family and legal team were forced to scramble to find another location.

On Friday, a judge decided that the former IMF chief would be allowed to leave Rikers Island jail and stay at a temporary location in downtown Manhattan near Ground Zero.

The New York Times reported that Strauss-Kahn will be moved to corporate housing owned by the company hired to carry out the security details of 24-hour home confinement.

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When asked if Strauss-Kahn had any place to go tonight, or if he’d have stay at Rikers jail, defense attorney Ben Brafman told FoxNews.com earlier in the day, “not Rikers.”

Anne Sinclair had rented an apartment at the posh Bristol Plaza on East 65th Street, but she was turned away once it was discovered that Strauss-Kahn would be staying there, sources inside the building told FoxNews.com.

The terms of Strauss-Kahn’s bail includes 24-hour house arrest with electronic monitoring and guards inside the apartment.

Multiple sources inside the Upper East Side building told FoxNews.com that they were not told that Strauss-Kahn indicted on seven counts of sexual assault charges would be moving into their building until members of the media began setting up camp outside their door late Thursday night.

One woman told FoxNews.com that Strauss-Kahn’s wife had rented the apartment in the “hotel part of the building” and that neither the co-op board that presides over the other portion of the building, nor the residents themselves had been told of their new neighbor.

“This is terrible, just terrible,” she said. “There was no disclosure from the board or the building. They didn’t even tell us.”

Early Friday morning, this woman told FoxNews.com that the co-op board would be doing everything they can to block Strauss-Kahn’s move into their building.

By afternoon, word began to spread through the crowd of hundreds of photographers, cameramen, French tourists and neighborhood onlookers that Strauss-Kahn might not be moving in after all.

Oxsana Fitzimmons, a maid inside the hotel portion of the building told FoxNews.com she knew the Strauss-Kahn family and that “they are good people.” She said the Sofitel maid who accused the former IMF chief may have made up “her story” in the hopes of getting a big cash payout.

“I don’t think he’s guilty. Women like easy money, and these are very rich people,” she said outside of the building. “I’m not afraid.”

But another maid who works in the building said she was “terrified” at the thought of the alleged maid-attacker moving in where she works.

A judge granted Strauss-Kahn's request on Thursday to release him on $1 million bail. The disgraced former IMF chief has agreed to wear an electronic monitoring device and live under video surveillance with an armed guard present.

"I expect you will be here when we need you," Judge Michael Obus said. "If there is the slightest problem, we can withdraw conditions."

Meanwhile, lawyers arguing whether Strauss-Kahn should get out of jail while he awaits trial on attempted rape charges have used two famous examples from different sides of the spectrum to make their case -- Roman Polanski and Bernard Madoff.

Prosecutors brought up Polanski, the French filmmaker whom U.S. authorities pursued for decades after he jumped bail in a 1977 child sex case.

Defense lawyers have mentioned Bernard Madoff, the financier who was freed on high bail and strict house arrest, the same conditions that a judge approved Thursday in a bail package for Strauss-Kahn.

Fox News' Jonathan Wachtel and the Associated Press contributed to this report.