Former astronaut, US Sen. John Glenn hospitalized in Ohio

In this photo taken on Thursday, May 14, 2015, former astronaut and senator John Glenn gestures while answering questions during an exclusive interview with The Associated Press at the Ohio Statehouse. Glenn said facts about scientific discovery should be taught in schools - and that includes evolution. The 93-year-old said that he sees no contradiction between believing in God and believing in evolution. When he went back into space in 1998, he had announced that "to look out at this kind of creation out here and not believe in God is to me impossible.” (AP Photo/Paul Vernon) (The Associated Press)

An Ohio State official says former astronaut and U.S. Sen. John Glenn has been hospitalized for more than a week.


Hank Wilson with Ohio State University's John Glenn College of Public Affairs said Wednesday that the 95-year-old Glenn is at the James Cancer Hospital, but that doesn't necessarily mean he has cancer.

Wilson said he didn't have other information about Glenn's condition, illness or prognosis.

Glenn apologized for his poor eyesight this year at the renaming of Columbus' airport after him. He said then he'd lost some of his eyesight because of macular degeneration and a small stroke. Glenn had a heart valve replacement in 2014.

Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth in 1962. He served as a U.S. senator from Ohio from 1974 to 1999.