Foreman defends acquittal of officer for black teen's death

The foreman of a jury that acquitted a white Pennsylvania police officer of homicide says Michael Rosfeld didn't know the black teen he shot was unarmed as he ran after his vehicle was pulled over.

Juror Jesse Rawls Sr. told WHTM-TV that Antwon Rose II and another occupant who ran from the stop "brought it on themselves" and that the then-East Pittsburgh officer knew there had just been a drive-by shooting and was scared.

Rawls, who is black, is a 72-year-old retired schoolteacher and wrestling coach from Harrisburg, where jurors were picked for last week's trial in Pittsburgh.

He says jurors "did what was right" in acquitting Rosfeld of all charges Friday.

Hundreds of high school and college students are protesting the verdict Monday in downtown Pittsburgh.