Florida 'hot cop' resigns amid investigation into anti-Semitic posts and sexual relations

Michael Hamill (middle) resigned from his post amid an investigation into anti-Semitic comments he made on social media. (Gainesville Police Department)

A Florida police officer whose photo went viral while working after Hurricane Irma has resigned amid an internal investigation into anti-Semitic comments he made on social media and allegedly having sex while on the job.

Michael Hamill, a former Gainesville Police officer, resigned from the force on Dec. 6, when he was supposed to appear for an internal affairs interview, the Gainesville Sun reported.

Ben Tobias, a spokesperson for the police department, said investigators were looking into anti-Semitic statements Hamill made on his personal Facebook page, as well as allegations that he had consensual sex while on duty. Tobias said both allegations could have resulted in termination.


In September, Hamill was removed from his post after anti-Semitic messages he posted on his personal Facebook page were uncovered. The department said they received complaints from people against Hamill.

In one of April 2013 post, Hamill wrote: “Who knew that reading Jewish jokes before I go to bed would not only make me feel better about myself but also help me to sleep better as well. Here is one for everybody, ‘What’s the difference between boy scouts and jews?’ Anybody know? Well it is because 'Boy scouts come back from their camps.'"

Another comment Hamill wrote on April 2011 stated: “So I find it funny that people will talk about how our government needs to do something about our economy and in reality it’s YOU who needs to stop taking advantage of our system and get a life and do something with your life. Gotta love reality when it hits you in the face. Stupid people annoy me. Put them in an oven and deal with them the Hitler way. Haha.”

The department was also probing an internal complaint they received in October regarding a “sexual battery criminal investigation” against the former officer.


A report from internal affairs showed four dates between the period of February and April 2017 when Hamill had sex with a woman while on the job, investigators said. The woman in question told investigators she met the officer in an Uber. Hamill, who was the driver, worked for Uber on the side – a violation of the department’s policy.

Hamill, who was sworn in as an officer in October 2016, gained internet fame after a photo of Hamill standing alongside two other Gainesville police officer was shared on the department’s Facebook page. The post went viral because of the officers’ good looks. Before being removed, the photo had received 181,000 comments, 517,000 likes and 276,000 shares.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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