Feds eye 4 years for Mass. pol who hid cash in bra

Prosecutors plan to ask a judge for a four-year prison sentence for a former Massachusetts state senator who was captured on video stuffing bribe money into her sweater and bra.

Boston Democrat Dianne Wilkerson was accused in 2008 of taking $23,500 in bribes. She pleaded guilty in June to eight counts of attempted extortion.

In a sentencing memorandum filed in court Friday, prosecutors cited Wilkerson's prior federal conviction in 1997 for failing to pay $51,000 in federal income taxes and numerous campaign law violations. They say Wilkerson has "repeatedly demonstrated that she believed that she was above the law."

The defense has the right to argue for a lighter sentence. Wilkerson's lawyer hasn't returned a phone call seeking comment.

Wilkerson once was a rising political star. She resigned about a month after she was arrested.

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