FBI: Man at Michigan theater had armor, gun, phony CIA identification

The FBI says it arrested a man who appeared at a Flint-area movie theater wearing body armor, possessing a gun and carrying 34 rounds of ammunition.

Cassidy Delavergne was charged Wednesday with possessing a phony card that identified him as an employee of the Central Intelligence Agency.

In a court filing, the FBI says Delavergne told an agent that he displayed the badge Tuesday at Trillium Theater in Genesee County's Grand Blanc Township to minimize any concerns about his firearm, a 9 mm Beretta.

The FBI says the Flint man had 111 rounds of ammunition in his car. He told the FBI that he has a concealed weapon permit and didn't want to leave the gun unattended.

Delavergne was in custody Wednesday and couldn't be reached for comment.