Families say medical examiner kept brains, organs of deceased loved ones

The New York City medical examiner’s office has kept the brains of more than 9,200 deceased over the past eight years, according to an exclusive report by the New York Post.

The revelation comes as three families are publicly questioning whether the city is using their loved ones’ brains for practice, for scientific research -- or for no good reason.


“Vasean’s organs were removed for ‘testing’ without any investigative or medical necessity,” charges a suit by the family of Vasean Alleyne, an 11-year-old Queens boy killed by a drunken driver. Months after his burial, his mom was shocked to read in the autopsy report that her son’s brain and spinal cord had been taken, the Post reports.

Brooklyn mom Cindy Bradshaw was stunned to learn she had buried her stillborn son, Gianni, without his brain. The ME kept it — though an autopsy found his death was caused by an abnormality in her umbilical cord and placenta.

“Do they really want to know what happened to the person, or are they just experimenting?” Bradshaw asked, according to the Post report.

Click for the full story from the New York Post.