Ernest "Fritz" Hollings' life at a glance

Ernest F. "Fritz" Hollings' life at a glance:

Born: Jan. 1, 1922, Charleston, South Carolina

Died: April 6, 2019, Charleston, South Carolina

Personal: Married Rita Louise "Peatsy" Liddy, Aug. 21, 1971. Four children by previous marriage.

Military: Served in Army Air Corps in World War II, Europe and Africa campaigns.

Political: South Carolina House 1949-54, Lt. Gov. 1955-59. South Carolina Governor, 1959-63. Elected to U.S. Senate in 1966, filling the seat of the late Olin Johnston. Re-elected in 1968, 1974, 1980, 1986, 1992, 1998. Ran for Democratic presidential nomination in 1984. Dropped out shortly after New Hampshire primary.

Quote: "The only way we can prevent a fiscal catastrophe is to both cut spending and raise taxes. All of us in Congress know this. But we also know that to face reality, having pledged in campaigns that we are against taxes, no one would dare vote for a tax increase."