East Coast and Bermuda need to watch Hurricane Florence

What's left of Gordon will continue enhance rainfall across the Mississippi River Valley and Midwest over the next several days. Flood watches and warnings are in effect.

Hurricane Florence is moving northwestward, and will be something to watch over the next week or so.

We are still days out from being able to pin down where the storm will go, but Bermuda will need to monitor Florence Tuesday-Wednesday of next week.

It is way too early to rule out U.S. impacts late next week, as Florence could easily recurve back out to sea or have more direct impacts along the East Coast.

In the Pacific, Hawaii is watching Hurricane Norman and Olivia.  Olivia may have more direct impacts next week.

Meanwhile, hot temperatures and humidity will hang around for another day across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.

A cold front will bring showers and much cooler weather to these regions tonight into Friday.

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