A driver in New York City has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for crashing on a Brooklyn highway and fleeing his burning car while leaving his friend to die.

Saeed Ahmad was sentenced Wednesday after pleading guilty to manslaughter in connection with the October 2017 crash on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, as Fox News previously reported.

Police said the 24-year-old Brooklyn man lost control of an Infiniti sedan and crashed into a barrier. They say he fled the vehicle, leaving 25-year-old Harleen Grewel stranded in the front passenger seat as the car burst into flames.

A passing driver recording the burning wreckage captured video of Ahmad approaching a cab, and asking, “Can I get a ride?”

Prosecutors said Ahmad got into a cab after the crash and left without calling 911 or alerting anyone that a victim remained in the car.

Grewel was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police said Saeed Ahmad, a 24-year-old Brooklyn man, lost control of an Infiniti sedan and crashed into a barrier. They say he fled the vehicle, leaving 25-year-old Harleen Grewel stranded in the front passenger seat as the car burst into flames. (Twitter/JBLongmore)

Police said Saeed Ahmad, a 24-year-old Brooklyn man, lost control of an Infiniti sedan and crashed into a barrier. They say he fled the vehicle, leaving 25-year-old Harleen Grewel stranded in the front passenger seat as the car burst into flames. (Twitter/JBLongmore)

“He had all the intentions to hurt one or more people on that day when he sat behind the wheel without a driver’s license (his license was suspended at the time), drunk, speeding and killing our daughter,” Grewal’s mother, Raejinder Singh, said through tears, The Daily News reported. “Adding insult to her burning alive, he turned his back, took a cab casually with the intent that she burns to ashes and no one will know who was there.”

“He took cover to hide himself like a coward, selfish. Only he was important in that moment. He knew Harleen is there,” the mom added. “He did not tell anyone or call 911. Why?”

Ahmad was arrested later that day.

His blood alcohol level exceeded the legal limit.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.