Donations sought to mark graves of 3 young Ohio boys whose mom is charged in their deaths

A former classmate of the Ohio mother suspected of suffocating her three young sons is collecting donations in hopes of providing markers for their graves.

The Columbus Dispatch ( ) reports that 4-year-old Gavin Pilkington, who died in April, has an unmarked grave, just like his 3-month-old brother, Noah, who was buried Wednesday. Another infant brother, Niall, died last year and has only a metal nameplate at his plot.

The fundraiser, Ashley McLaughlin, says she wants to ensure there are headstones honoring the boys' lives if their surviving sister visits the cemetery when she's older.

Authorities say their mother, 23-year-old Brittany Pilkington, confessed to killing the boys. She's charged with murder and pleaded not guilty.

She is jailed in Bellefontaine (behl-FOWN'-tihn) in western Ohio on $1 million bond.


Information from: The Columbus Dispatch,