Donations and offers of help pour in for Detroit man who walks 21 miles to and from work

Hundreds of people have contributed tens of thousands of dollars to help a Detroit man who says he typically walks 21 miles to and from work.

The Detroit Free Press ( ) reports that because spotty bus service doesn't cover James Robertson's whole route at the times he needs to work, he walks about eight miles to his job in suburban Rochester Hills and 13 miles home.

After the paper wrote about the 56-year-old's situation over the weekend, multiple people started crowd-funding efforts to help him buy a car and pay for insurance. Some have offered to drive him for free.

Robertson began making the daily trek to the factory where he molds parts after his car stopped working in 2005 and bus service was cut back. He's had perfect attendance for more than 12 years.


Information from: Detroit Free Press,