Democrats renew calls for Fauci, Birx testimony on US coronavirus response

Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci, left, and White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

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Leading Democrats renew calls for Fauci, Birx testimony on US coronavirus response
Democrats are renewing their calls for Sr. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, two leading members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, to answer questions before the Senate about the U.S. response to the coronavirus outbreak.

“Senate needs to hear from Dr. Fauci, Dr. Brix, Sec. Mnuchin. We need to know why so many small businesses have had trouble getting loans. We need to know why unemployment insurance checks are failing to get to workers. We need to know we still don’t have enough tests!” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., tweeted.

Schumer said in an interview on "The Rachel Maddow Show" Monday that there is a chance the nation’s top disease doctor will appear before the Senate next week despite the White House's decision last week to prevent him from testifying before a House subcommittee. However, the Senate Minority leader said, Fauci's testimony is far from a sure thing, the Hill reported.

“By not telling the truth, by not hearing the truth, by not listening to the scientists, they [the Trump administration] are prolonging this crisis, they are prolonging how bad the economy will be,” Schumer said. “Does it surprise me? No. Does it upset me? A lot.”

Last week, the White House prevented Fauci from testifying and called such a testimony “counterproductive” with the coronavirus outbreak not under control.

“While the Trump Administration continues its whole-of-government response to COVID-19, including safely opening up America again and expediting vaccine development, it is counter-productive to have the very individuals involved in those efforts appearing at Congressional hearings," said White House spokesman Judd Deere. "We are committed to working with Congress to offer testimony at the appropriate time. Click here for more on our top story.

Other coronavirus developments:
- Lindsey Graham claims Dems want to 'give China a pass' over coronavirus out of spite toward Trump
- To get all the latest news on coronavirus and more delivered daily to your inbox, sign up here.
- Dr. Scott Atlas bashes latest coronavirus model, says there's 'no scientific evidence' to keep schools closed

Flynn bombshells cast doubt on Mueller prosecutor's compliance with court order
Explosive, newly unsealed evidence documenting the FBI's efforts to target national security adviser Michael Flynn -- including a top official's handwritten memo debating whether the FBI's "goal" was "to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired" -- calls into question whether Brandon Van Grack, a Justice Department prosecutor and former member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Team, complied with a court order to produce favorable evidence to Flynn.

Since December 2017, Van Grack has been obligated to comply with D.C. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan's standing order in the Flynn case to produce all evidence in the government’s possession “that is favorable to defendant and material either to defendant’s guilt or punishment.” The order also requires the government to submit favorable defense evidence to the court, including possible "impeachment evidence" that could undermine witnesses, even if the government believes the evidence “not to be material.”

Van Grack has long informed Sullivan that the government’s so-called "Brady" obligations, referring to prosecutors' duty to turn over exculpatory materials to defendants, have been met. Click here for more.

Other related developments:
- Republicans demand interviews with FBI's Priestap, Pientka after bombshell Michael Flynn revelations
- Ken Starr: Flynn case shows James Comey, FBI leaders were 'out to get' the Trump administration
- Judge Jeanine Pirro says Flynn was 'railroaded by a bunch of thugs, a cabal'

Coronavirus patients may face new danger after respiratory symptoms fade
Coronavirus victims are facing a new danger that may occur even after respiratory symptoms fade and infection from the virus clears.

Doctors are beginning to notice a troubling blood-clotting phenomenon, which is occurring more frequently in patients who have the virus. These clots are also being discovered in younger coronavirus patients and can result in sudden strokes or death.

“There’s something about this virus that’s exaggerated that to the nth degree,” said Mitchell Levy, chief of pulmonary critical care and sleep medicine at the Warren Albert School of Medicine, according to Bloomberg. “We’re seeing clotting in a way in this illness that we have not seen in the past. Click here for more.

Other related developments:
- 15 children in NYC hospitalized with mystery ailment linked to coronavirus: report
- Coronavirus in the US: State-by-state breakdown
- Coronavirus: What you need to know


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Fox News First is compiled by Fox News' Bryan Robinson. Thank you for making us your first choice in the morning! Stay healthy, stay safe, and remember this: hard times don't last forever. We will get through this coronavirus pandemic together. We'll see you in your inbox first thing Wednesday morning.

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