A Dallas Police Officer stands guard over a plaque to be unveiled on the grassy knoll at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Thursday, Nov. 21, 2013. Loose gatherings of the curious and conspiracy-minded at Dallas’ Dealey Plaza have marked past anniversaries of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. But for the 50th anniversary, the city of Dallas has planned a solemn ceremony Friday in the plaza he was passing through when shots rang out. There will be brief remarks by the mayor and the tolling of church bells. (AP Photo/LM Otero) (The Associated Press)
DALLAS – A new marker being unveiled in Dealey Plaza will feature the last paragraph of a speech President John F. Kennedy was set to give 50 years ago.
Kennedy's motorcade was en route to a luncheon at the Dallas Trade Mart when he was assassinated.
The speech was to have ended with Kennedy noting that Americans are "watchmen on the walls of world freedom" and therefore must strive to be worthy of that power and try to achieve peace.
Ruth Altshuler chairs the committee that organized the city's event marking the 50th anniversary of the assassination. She says the marker will be "very dignified and very tasteful and very meaningful."