The accused killer of married New York City mom Orsolya Gaal claimed to police that Gaal gave him HIV and that's why he showed up at her house the morning of the murder, according to newly unsealed court papers.

"She was cheating on me with somebody, and she gave me HIV," David Bonola allegedly told Detective John Petzolt in a video-recorded confession five days after the April 16 slaughter of Gaal in the basement of her upscale Forest Hills home. 


Bonola, 44, pleaded not guilty Tuesday in Queens Supreme Court to a 13-count indictment – including charges of murder, burglary and concealment of a human corpse – for the horrific slaying.

David Bonola, the guitar-toting suspected slasher accused of stabbing Orsolya Gaal nearly 60 times in a basement with her 13-year-old son on the third floor of her Tudor-style home, was being held at New York City’s Rikers Island jail under suicide watch Friday.

David Bonola is accused of stabbing Orsolya Gaal to death. (WNYW, Inset: Orsolya Gaal/Facebook)

Prosecutors say that Bonola, the family's handyman, slashed Gaal's throat and stabbed her more than 50 times in the basement of her house after she broke off their two-year affair. Her 13-year-old son was asleep in an upstairs bedroom, while her husband and 17-year-old son were out of town visiting colleges.

Queens mom Orsolya Gaal murder suspect David Bonola

Photo combination of Queens murder suspect David Bonola and his alleged victim Orsolya Gaal. (Facebook: Orsolya Gaal)

"She lied to me, and she used me," Bonola told the detective at the 112th Precinct, according to the filing. "She told me that she loved me, but that she couldn't be with one person. She took a phone call from another guy, and she said she was going to see him. That made me angry. I couldn't accept it. Then, I saw her with Carlos, another guy."


Bonola, a Mexican national who has been in the country illegally for more than two decades, admitted that he surprised Gaal at her home some time between midnight and 4 a.m. April 16 and accused her of giving him the virus.

David Bonola accused killer of Orsolya Gaal

David Bonola in Chinatown. (Facebook: David Bonola)

"She said that she didn't have HIV," he told the detective. "She told me that she didn't want anything to do with me and didn't want to see my anymore."

He claimed that the 51-year-old mother of two grabbed a knife and threatened to kill him if he didn't get out of her house – but he refused to leave.

"She kept saying I hate you and stabbed me in the left hand," he told police of the wound he later sought treatment for at Bellevue Hospital. "I grabbed the knife and cut her in the neck." 

Orsolya Gaal who was allegedly stabbed to death by David Bonola

Orsolya Gaal and her dog, Teddy, one of her several outdoor activities.  (Facebook: Orsolya Gaal)

As the two continued to struggle, falling to the ground, Bonola said he repeatedly slashed her.

"She kept moving, so I stabbed her," he allegedly said in a second confession given to Assistant District Attorney Peter McCormack April 20, repeating many of the gory details. "I noticed there was a lot of blood coming out of her neck and I noticed she stopped breathing."

The crazed handyman said he used towels to try to clean up the blood that was on the floors and walls, then stuffed her body in a hockey duffel bag with wheels that belonged to one of her teen sons. "I didn't want her kids to find her," he told authorities. 

Orsolya Gaal's home where David Bonola allegedly stabbed her to death

A police officer stands at Orsolya Gaal's family home in Queens as law enforement investigates her brutal death on Saturday. (Fox News Digital) (Fox News Digital)

Bonola was captured on surveillance video wheeling the bag toward Forest Park, where he left Gaal's mutilated corpse in the blood-soaked duffel. A few hours later, a dog walker stumbled on the grisly remains, and police followed a trail of blood back to the crime scene.

After the gruesome killing, Bonola allegedly left Gaal's husband a bizarre message. 

"I wanted to call and say sorry for what happened," Bonola allegedly said, according to a summary of the statement in court papers. "I was having an intimate relationship with Orsolya, we have been intimate many times, one time was at your house. She had a few other lovers. I did not do this. I will go to the police precinct to talk to them."  


He told authorities that he stole Gaal's laptop and cellphone and tossed them in the Hudson River "near a place where we were supposed to get together for our anniversary."

The shocking murder on a quiet street in Queens has left the community shaken, Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz said in a statement. Bonola, who turned himself in, is being held without bail.